The Evolution Of Atlanta Production Companies And What You Need To Know

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The Evolution Of Atlanta Production Companies And What You Need To Know

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Evolution Of Atlanta Production Companies


Video production isn’t what it used to be. Times have changed and so have audiences. So, if you are looking to form a partnership with a production company in Atlanta then here are some things that will help you on your journey.



Like most types of businesses, Atlanta video production companies are facing an industry that’s completely changing due to the innovation of new technologies, combined with the overwhelming popularity of the internet. It’s not just technology that’s changing, however, so has the modern viewer. Here are some of the key implications involved in this change:

– Attention spans are generally much shorter. Decades ago, a viewer would have limited TV channels and would be willing to sit through whatever their chosen network was playing. These days, you have a much more difficult task with a much more unforgiving audience. You literally have a few measly seconds in which to capture the viewers’ attention. This means you have to be bold and captivating right from the beginning. If not, then the viewer will simply “click” or “swipe” to another video that they feel is more suitable for them.

– It’s not just about starting strong. You have a limited amount of time to get your message across. If you have a brand message then you need communicate it in a way that flows with the video. You can’t merely read off a standard message in the narration and expect the viewer to come away influenced by what you have to say.

– In the past there was a lot of guesswork. Of course, you could estimate ratings, but it was hard to know whether your audience was really paying attention, or whether they were influenced to take action after watching your video. Now, everything is measured. Data is now driving a lot of the content that gets produced. Results can be predicted in advance and measured accurately going forwards.

– People tend to watch most of their content on their personal devices, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or smartphone. Due to advanced algorithms at play, people are served up content that has been personally selected for them, due to their demographics, personality types, or buying habits.

Working With a Video Production Atlanta – What you Need to do


Working With a Video Production Atlanta


If you’re thinking of hiring a video production company in Atlanta, here are some of the things you need to think about and some of the actions you need to take:

– Think about budget – Before you engage any company to make a video for you, it’s important to have a realistic expectation of what it might cost, as well as how much money you can afford. Do the calculations in advance and set a maximum budget to ensure you don’t end up overspending on your project.

– Look around and consider all of your options – After you have a good idea of what you want and how much money you have to spend, now is the time to see what options you have out there. While there may be several credible companies that can carry out your project for you, it helps to get a good idea of their experience and abilities. Look at some of the work they have done previously. Does it match the kind of style you want? Are there some testimonials that can give you a better idea of what it would be like to work with them?

– Contact companies to get quotes – Once you’ve shortlisted the companies you like the look of, contact them and ask for a quote. Let them know in as much detail what your expectations are. Ask plenty of questions, including what their likely time frame would be.

Choose the company that’s right for you. While price is a very important factor, it definitely shouldn’t be your only consideration. At the end of the day, you have to be confident in the technical expertise of your chosen production company. You have to have a good intuition with the team you’re working with and trust that they can help to deliver your vision and meet your expectations.

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