Author name: Bryce

Film set image

How Much Do Commercial Video Productions Cost?

The Cost of Commercial Video Production: Understanding the Range of Expenses   In the world of commercial video production, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new project and forget about the underlying costs. But make no mistake, the production of a high-quality commercial video is not cheap. Understanding the range …

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Video Production camera

How To Start A Video Production Business

START YOUR VIDEO PRODUCTION BUSINESS – A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE   If you are passionate about starting a video production company or video production business, launching this new venture will be the most fun and challenging thing you have ever done. You need to buy the right hardware, software, procure a great staff or crew then …

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Marvel Studios Avengers Endgame

Casting Talent. Secrets To Every Successful Commercial or Broadcast Video Production

Every Brand Wants To Shoot A Successful Commercial Or Video Asset. Casting Talent From A Reputable Talent Agency Or Talent Management Company Can Make Or Break Your Commercial Video Production.   Actors reading their scripts on stage in the theatre   Today’s successful company’s marketing efforts are often grounded with a solid base of internet …

Casting Talent. Secrets To Every Successful Commercial or Broadcast Video Production Read More »

Virtual Reality City

Top Atlanta Video Production Insights

Producing Video Content In Atlanta Should Always Be Fun. . . and when you work with the right video production company it will be. Of course you have to consider the quality of work each production company produces, their knowledge of the landscape and crew within the marketplace, but you also need to understand that …

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Virtual Reality City

Why Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Are The Future of Communication

Years ago, Virtual Reality was introduced as the future of the gaming world. Today, we see it as the future of communication     Technology has greatly advanced every aspect of our lives – the internet, cellular technology, voice automation. Yet for futurists, we know that this is just the beginning. With new 5G technology …

Why Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Are The Future of Communication Read More »

Image of Atlanta city

Atlanta Is The Best Destination For Film, Television and Commercial Production.

The Industry Has Spoken. Atlanta Is The #2 Location In The World For Feature Film Production, One Of The Top Locations For Television Productions, And Consistently Gaining Market Share As A Commercial Destination.   Sure the tax incentive played a big role in helping the entire production community ascend to GA, but let’s look at …

Atlanta Is The Best Destination For Film, Television and Commercial Production. Read More »

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